Housing Authority/CDBG
Glendora Housing Authority
The Glendora Housing Authority is the Housing Successor to the Glendora Redevelopment Agency. Per California State Law, effective February 1, 2012, redevelopment agencies across California are dissolved.
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Each year, the City of Glendora participates in the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). The program is administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and it provides funding for projects based on meeting the following national objectives:
- Benefitting low and moderate income persons
- Eliminating slum and blight
- Meeting a particularly urgent community need

FISCAL YEAR 2025-2026
Application period is now closed, if you have questions contact Alycia Suniga, Senior Management Analyst, City of Glendora, 116 East Foothill Boulevard, Glendora, California 91741 at (626) 852-4822 or via email at asuniga@cityofglendora.org.
AB 987 Affordable Housing Database
In accordance with the requirements of AB 987, a database describing existing, new and substantially rehabilitated housing developed or otherwise assisted with monies from the former Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund, including units counted to meet inclusionary and replacement housing obligations, is available online.
Please be aware this is only a record of affordable housing that has been assisted with Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds; it is not a listing of currently available housing. Please contact the sites directly to inquire about availability and eligibility.
Action Plan
The City also adopts "Action Plans" each year to designate and fund specific activities under the CDBG program. Below is a link to the 2023-2028 Five Year Consolidated Plan which includes the 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan as well as Annual Action Plans from previous years and the Substantial Amendment for the 2019-2020 year which includes coronavirus funding issued through the CARES Act.
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
The Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (commonly known as the “AI”), presents a demographic profile of Glendora, assesses the extent of housing needs of its residents, and evaluates the availability of a range of housing choices for all. This report also analyzes the conditions in the private market and public sector that may limit the range of housing choices or impede a person’s access to housing. As the name of the report suggests the document reviews “impediments” to fair housing. While this report also assesses the nature and extent of housing discrimination, the focus is on identifying impediments that may prevent equal housing access and developing solutions to mitigate or remove such impediments.
Consolidated Plan
Every five years, the CDBG program requires the City to adopt a "Consolidated Plan," which establishes the goals and objectives of the CDBG program. The City's current five-year plan, covering 2023-2028 can be viewed by following the link below.
Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report
At the end of each program year, the City reports accomplishments of the CDBG program. That report may be viewed by following the link below.
Fair Housing
The Housing Rights Center provides FREE fair housing services to Glendora residents. These free services include:
- Landlord Tenant Counseling – Housing Counselors are able to answer questions about landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities, including questions about security deposits, evictions, repairs, rent increases, harassment and more.
- Discrimination Investigations – Case Investigators investigate allegations of housing discrimination and help victims of discrimination enforce their fair housing rights.
- Outreach and Education – The Housing Rights Center provides programs designed to educate the community about fair housing laws, illegal practices, and landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities.
Call the Housing Rights Center at (800) 477-5977 or visit them online at www.housingrightscenter.org
Glendora Housing Authority Annual Reports (SB 341 Compliance Report)
Housing Resources
If you have questions about your housing rights, call or email the House Rights Center at (800) 477-5977 or info@housingrightscenter.org
If you need information about Section 8, contact Los Angeles County Department Authority at www.lacda.org/section-8 or (626) 262-4511
If you have questions or concerns about lead, mold, or environmental issues in your rental housing, please reach out to the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health at (626) 813-3346