Share the Trail - Various trails within Glendora are considered multi-use trails, which means uses might encounter hikers, runners, bicyclists, equestrians, or hikers with dogs. To ensure that all users enjoy the trails safely, please follow the below guidelines and be considerate of other users.
Protect the environment – Stay on marked trails. Creating shortcuts or switchbacks can cause erosion and create hazards for trail users.
Stay alert – when utilizing the trails, be aware of other users, emergency vehicles, and wildlife. If you choose to listen to audio while on the trail, make sure to leave out one ear bud so that you can maintain awareness of your surroundings and approaching trail users or wildlife.
Hikers and Runners
- Know when and who to yield to on the trail. Always yield to equestrians, horses can easily spook so be sure to communicate with riders to find an appropriate way to pass on the trail.
- Be alert and aware of other trail users. Groups of hikers/runners should respect other trail users and allow space for other users on the trail to pass safely.
- Communicate with other users on the trail
- Stay in control and maintain a safe speed. Slow down and use caution when approaching other trail users or when approaching a blind turn. Communicate before you pass or make a blind turn so that other users are aware of your presence.
- Always yield to ALL other trail users. Communicate, stop, and wait. Allow other users, especially equestrians or users with dogs to communicate with you on how to pass safely. Horses and other animals can spook causing a dangerous situation if there is a lack of communication.
- Ride ONLY on marked and designated trails. DO NOT modify or ride off-trail as this can cause erosion, environmental damage, and dangerous situations for users.
Trail Users with Dogs
- All dogs must be on leash, always
- Pick up your dog’s waste, take it with you, and dispose of it in proper trash receptables. Dog waste can be harmful to the environment and wildlife in the area.
- Always maintain control of your dog. Other trail users, equestrians, bicyclists, and other dogs may be easily spooked by your dog. Train your dog to behave appropriately around other trail users, and ideally have it “sit” while they pass on the trail.
- Always remain in control of your horse. Other trail users might not understand horse behavior, so it is important to communicate to others how to safely pass on the trail.
- Desensitize your horse prior to riding on multi-use trails.
- Ride ONLY on marked and designated trails. Off-trail riding is prohibited.
The Trails Council
The Glendora Trails Council is currently responsible for the general maintenance and improvement of all existing trails within the City. The group assists with Trails Day events twice a year, as well as assisting in volunteer projects under the City's Adopt-A-Park Program. Trails Day events occur every April and November, alternating between Big Dalton Canyon Wilderness and South Hills Wilderness areas. Trails Council members run a Facebook page where trail users can interact and post their experiences and cool finds in the local wilderness areas. The page also informs the public on volunteer opportunities for trail maintenance, as well as upcoming Trails Council led events.
Community Hikes
Throughout the year Trails Council members conduct hikes in both Big Dalton and South Hills Wilderness areas. The hikes vary in length and difficulty and are listed by levels determined for those who do very little hiking. Children twelve and under require adult supervision, and NO pets allowed. Hikers should bring a daypack with three quarts of water, snacks, and wear pants, sunscreen, and a hat, if necessary. Schedule of hikes can be found in the Glendora Activity Guide online or in the issue mailed to residents. All hikers must fill out a liability form before the hike. No registration or fees required to join the hikes! If it is raining at the time of the hike, it will be canceled.
Learn more about plants, animals, trails, and trail history of Glendora