License to Carry a Concealed Weapon

We are in the process of updating our webpages due to new legislation that affects CCW holders and applicants beginning January 1, 2024.

If you would like more information on the legislation, please visit: Bill Text - SB-2 Firearms. (

License To Carry A Concealed Weapon

The Glendora Police Department is currently accepting applications to issue a License to Carry a Concealed Weapon for Glendora residents only.

To apply for a CCW license, please click on this link:

Any inquiries regarding the process shall be directed to, or a voicemail can be left at (626) 852-5234. Emails and voicemails will be returned by a member of our team in the order they are received during normal business hours. Please be patient as it can take several days before we respond as Investigators are not in the office on a full-time basis.

Thank you.

Glendora Residents

The Glendora Police Department accepts CCW license applications from Glendora residents who must submit applications through our third-party provider.

The Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) License Process

A CCW license allows qualified individuals to carry an approved, concealed firearm on their person for self-protection. The CCW license process takes between 1 to 6 months to complete, depending on the applicant, background process, and completion of all the requirements. CCW licenses are valid for two years from the date of issuance.

The following information provides a brief overview of the CCW License Program, which includes the program requirements, the licensing process, and certain restrictions in obtaining a CCW license. The Glendora Police Department is pleased to offer this service to the residents of Glendora as a tool for personal protection and with the overall goal of increased public safety.


Q: What are the CCW requirements?

A: The following are the requirements to be eligible to apply for a CCW:

  • Must be a resident of the City of Glendora (Penal Code § 26150 and Penal Code § 26155)
  • Be at least 21 years of age (Penal Code § 29610)
  • Must be a US Citizen
  • Fully complete an application that will include substantial personal information, some of which is subject to public access under the Public Records Act
  • Be free from criminal convictions that would disqualify the applicant from carrying a firearm (See DOJ Firearms Prohibiting Categories)
  • Be of good moral character (Penal Code § 26150 and Penal Code § 26155)
  • Pay all associated application fees required by any third-party provider as well as fees required by the Department of Justice and the cost of the Live Scan (Fees will not be refunded if the application is denied)
  • Provide proof of ownership and registration of any firearm associated with the license
  • Be free from any psychological conditions that might make the applicant unsuitable for carrying a firearm (Penal Code § 26190)
  • Complete required training (Penal Code § 26165)

Q: What is the license process?

A: The Glendora Police Department uses a vendor to process our CCW license applications. The process will require the applicant to:

  • Apply online, Glendora Police Department Online Concealed Carry Weapon License Application CCW (, complete the California Department of Justice (DOJ) Application within the portal and schedule an in person appointment with a background investigator
  • Initial review of the application by a background investigator
  • Interview with a background investigator and a review of required documents
  • Criminal history check through Live Scan fingerprinting, completed at the Glendora Police Department when meeting the background investigator
  • Thorough background check
  • Psychological Review if recommended (In-person evaluation)
  • Completion of an approved CCW Firearm Safety Course and Weapon(s) Qualification
  • Final review and decision made by the Chief of Police for the issuance of CCW license

Q: What are the restrictions for the CWW license?

A: The Chief of Police may place special restrictions limiting the time, place, manner, and circumstances under which any license shall be valid. In general, these restrictions will prohibit the licensee from:

  • Consuming any alcoholic beverages while in possession of a firearm
  • Being under the influence of any illegal substance while in possession of a firearm
  • Falsely represent themselves as a peace officer
  • Carrying any concealed firearms other than those firearms specifically listed on the CCW permit
  • Unreasonably or unjustifiably display any firearm
  • Committing any crime
  • Interfering with any law enforcement officer's duties
  • Refusing to display CCW permit or firearm for inspection upon demand of any peace officer
  • Making any unauthorized alterations to any previously approved firearm.
  • The applicant will not load any firearm with illegal ammunition

Q: Can the CWW license be revoked?

A: Any CCW license may be immediately revoked by the Chief of Police for specific reasons including, but not limited to:

  • The licensee has violated any of the restrictions or conditions placed upon the license
  • The licensee becomes psychologically unsuitable to carry a firearm
  • The licensee is determined to be within a prohibited class described in Penal Code § 29800, Penal Code § 29900, Welfare and Institutions Code § 8100, Welfare and Institutions Code § 8103 or any state or federal law
  • The licensee engages in any conduct which involves a lack of good moral

Q: Does the Glendora Police Department have a policy on the CCW program?

A: Yes, it is posted online, please refer to License to Carry a Concealed Weapon for the link.

Q: What if the applicant currently possesses a CCW and they want to renew it?

A: Any renewals for CCWs that were not initially approved by the Glendora Police Department (e.g., Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department) need to be renewed through the original agency. Residents seeking CCW renewals should contact the issuing agency. At this time, all applicants possessing CCW Permits from other agencies will be processed as new or initial applicants when applying with the Glendora Police Department.

Q: What if the applicant owns a business in Glendora and wants a Limited Business License?

A: The authority to issue a limited CCW business license to a non-resident applicant is granted only to the Sheriff of the county in which the applicant works. The chief of a municipal police department may not issue limited CCW business licenses (Penal Code § 26150).

Those interested in a limited CCW business license should contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

Q: Does the license amend an issued license?

A: A CCW license can be amended for the following reasons:

  • Change of address or legal name change (Documentation required)
  • Lost or stolen license (Police report required)
  • Adding a new firearm to the license only in the event of a damaged, lost, or stolen firearm (Police report required)

Amendments are subject to an amended application fee, see City of Glendora Fee Schedule.

Q: What type of handgun can be listed on the a permit?

A: The firearm listed on the CCW application must comply with the following:

  • The handgun must be registered to applicant, with DROS to the applicant.
  • The handgun must be concealable upon the person or reasonably sized bag or purse.
  • The handgun, magazines, and ammunition must be in compliance with applicable CA state and federal laws.
  • "AR Pistols" and similar handguns are not permitted.
  • All firearm information, including make, model, serial number, and caliber, must be included and accurate on all documents.
  • If the firearm information is illegible, incorrect, or incomplete, the firearm will not be listed on your permit.
  • In addition, the caliber of the firearms must all match on all paperwork (AFS, DROS, Shooting Proficiency Standards form and Certificate of Completion and DOJ).
  • Failure to provide correct information will delay issuance of your CCW License.

Q: How many handguns may be listed on the CCW license?

A: We currently allow up to three (3) handguns on a CCW license.

Q: What if an applicant has question or needs assistance during the application process?

A: If you have questions or need assistance regarding the application process, please email us at and we will respond as soon as someone from the CCW Team is available. Please be patient as it can take several days before we respond as Investigators are not in the office on a full-time basis.

Q: Where can the applicant take the firearms training course?

A: The Glendora Police Department recognizes only select training facilities to satisfy the qualification certification. Training from any other facility will not be accepted.