Property & Evidence

Hours of Operation
The Property and Evidence Division is closed on weekends and City holidays. An appointment is necessary for release of any property (with the exception of Prisoner Property).
Release of Property
If you have received notification to pick up your property, please call or email to make an appointment. You will be required to provide a valid picture identification and may also be required to provide proof of ownership.
Property Taken as Evidence
Property taken as evidence may be required to be held the entire length of a criminal/civil trial and for the length of the possible appeal period. When the case has been concluded, the investigating Detective will review the evidence and determine if it can be released. If the Detective approves the release of evidence, a letter will be mailed to the rightful owner notifying them of the release. The letter is mailed to the address provided at the time of the report/arrest. It is the owner's responsibility to contact the Property and Evidence Technician with a change of address.
Property Held for Safekeeping
Safekeeping property will be held for a period of 60 days. Notification will be sent to the owner of the property. Unclaimed property will be destroyed or auctioned.
Property Seized Under a Search Warrant
Property seized as a result of a search warrant requires a court order to be released. This may be obtained by the investigating Detective or can be obtained by the property owner.
Prisoner Property
Prisoner property will be held for 60 days, unless the required notification is made. Prisoner property can be released to someone other than the prisoner as long as the proper written notification is provided. Prisoner Property can be released by a jailer, without an appointment, as long as call volume permits. Otherwise, an appointment can be made with the Property and Evidence technician.
Found Property
Found property is held for 90 days. Unclaimed property will be destroyed or auctioned.
All found property turned into the Police Department and all property believed to be stolen, where an owner cannot be identified, can be viewed on the Glendora Police Department Pinterest site.