Traffic Study
These historical traffic study counts were undertaken by Licensed Traffic Engineers over the last decade at major intersections associated with environmental reviews of development projects. Traffic is a critical concern of both the City Council and Planning Commission when considering development applications. To comply with State Law, various independent discipline professionals are engaged to investigate and analyze elements like traffic. These counts reflect the busiest one hour period of time in the morning, usually between the hours of 7 am & 9 am, and in the evening between the hours of 4 pm & 6 pm. These represent total vehicles passing through the intersection studied in all directions possible.
The studies consistently show traffic decreasing or staying the same over the last decade. This is likely do to the Great Recession, high gas prices persuading drivers to use mass transit, Millennials and other factors reducing traffic. Having such information both historically and rechecked allows the city to make improvements that help traffic flow as best it can.
For questions about traffic studies or the information presented, please call (626) 914-8248.

- 2004 study was done prior to 210 freeway extension being opened in 2007.

- 2004 study was done prior to 210 freeway extension being opened in 2007.

- 2004 study was done prior to 210 freeway extension being opened in 2007.

- 2004 study was done prior to 210 freeway extension being opened in 2007.